Quality Label
Kulaus (sup) wine coolers and Huikka (swig) beer coolers designed and created by Eija Pirttilahti have been granted a Quality Label of Arts and Crafts March 11th 2008.
A Quality Label is a quality standard and a network pattern developed for Finnish crafts products. Quality Label is of skills and high quality. Quality Label products and collections are new and original. They are desired and appreciated. A professional design guarantees that they are also a joy to use and regard. A Quality Label is a sign of a successful company. The label is granted to a product and to a company, who fullfills the determined criteria for a company and the Quality Lable.
An alive object. Aestetics and a form, a purpose and a meaning.
It is clay, stone, glass, iron,
wood, paper, fabric, felt…
Colors and shapes, surface and depth.
Informally and digifiedly.
Use. It has been made for You.